As a 'power search user' using punctuation marks and symbols in your search is almost inevitable.
Google search allows the following:
You can use some punctuation and symbols to change your search terms. Except for the examples below, most punctuation is ignored. For example, a search for [] is seen by Google as [courtney dogs com].
Punctuation and symbols that work in Google search
Symbol What you can use it for
[+] Search for things like blood type [AB+] or for a Google+ page like [+Chrome]
[@] Find social tags like [@google]
[&] Find strongly connected ideas and phrases like [A&E]
[%] Search for a percent value like [40% of 80]
[$] Indicate prices, like [nikon $400]
[#] Search for trending topics indicated by hashtags like [#lifewithoutgoogle]
[-] Indicate that words around it are strongly connected like [twelve-year-old dog]
[_] Connect two words like [quick_sort]. Your search results will find this pair of words either linked together (quicksort) or connected by an underscore (quick_sort).
In case you are using Bing to search, you can use the following:
Google search allows the following:
You can use some punctuation and symbols to change your search terms. Except for the examples below, most punctuation is ignored. For example, a search for [] is seen by Google as [courtney dogs com].
Punctuation and symbols that work in Google search
Symbol What you can use it for
[+] Search for things like blood type [AB+] or for a Google+ page like [+Chrome]
[@] Find social tags like [@google]
[&] Find strongly connected ideas and phrases like [A&E]
[%] Search for a percent value like [40% of 80]
[$] Indicate prices, like [nikon $400]
[#] Search for trending topics indicated by hashtags like [#lifewithoutgoogle]
[-] Indicate that words around it are strongly connected like [twelve-year-old dog]
[_] Connect two words like [quick_sort]. Your search results will find this pair of words either linked together (quicksort) or connected by an underscore (quick_sort).
Symbol | Function |
Finds webpages that contain all the terms that are preceded by the + symbol. Also allows you to include terms that are usually ignored.
" "
Finds the exact words in a phrase.
Finds or excludes webpages that contain a group of words.
or &
Finds webpages that contain all the terms or phrases.
or -
Excludes webpages that contain a term or phrase.
OR or|
Finds webpages that contain either of the terms or phrases.